Sunday, May 18, 2014

Visit to Dr. Miguel P. Flores - N8 Upper Cervical Chiropractic

Thanks to Angelo Narciso Songco of Sugarleaf, who introduced our group to a NUCCA Upper Cervical Specialist, Dr. Miguel Flores.  

I have this lumbar compression deformity from an accident, which started to interfere with my athletic activities.. Upon consultation, Dr. Miguel said that any of the following could have been affected after my accident:  my spinal cord, brains and/or nerves.

Also, because of such accident, my atlas (2 oz. doughtnut-shaped vertebra at the top of the spine) may have been moved out of position, which could result to two serious things: body imbalance and restriction of the brain messages to the different parts of the body.

I personally appreciate Dr. Miguel's explanation about the Upper Cervical Procedure that corrects the position of the atlas.  Now I know how Body in Balance and Precision Upper Cervical adjustment work.

He added that a rightly-positioned atlas is so important to good health and that countless problems could be avoided by having periodic atlas checkups.

Glad to know that once the atlas is repositioned,
it will restore body balance and brain-to-body communication so that organs, limbs and tissues can resume normal function.

I immediately felt better and lighter, the day after my first session. Glad that Dr. Miguel will help me maintain my active lifestyle.  He laughed when I asked, "Can I climb the mountains, again?"

Will keep you posted, as my treatment progresses. 

More at:

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